UX Design, UI Design, Environmental Design, Communication Design
This project was carried out in a team of three people. The project is all about transforming a students’ dormitory in Milan on the basis of Communication channel design, Environmental re-design, Environmental Communication design.
The Dormitory is called Newton hence our proposal is named NewTribe, merging the existing to develop a new tribe in the space. The communications between students-students, students-staff were poor and not designed well to serve the purpose. Hence we came up with proposals in order to establish and strengthen the relations after going through research as well co-design workshops.

" To create a New concept of Tribe based on sharing diverse knowledge,
cultures, backgrounds, goods and capabilities coming from various places"

In research phase we realized that the links between people are not strong enough. The dormitory has people from over 30 countries and we thought it’s a strength in itself to generate a community. Our application helps students to communicate with each other to share knowledge, goods, interests. Also, it allows students and staff to get in touch in order to access facilities or simply to inform.

Space design
Our task was to work on study and leisure area. There was plenty of space at Newton but very less organisation and utilization. We went on a journey to understand the needs of the students which resulted in following proposals. A place which can adapt to diverse needs of students.

Environmental communication
We had a concept of a “river” at center when we were designing the environmental communication. River has been useful for centuries in way-finding and we tried to grasp essence of that.